Riding the tech share rollercoaster

Polar Capital Technology Trust has large holdings in the American tech giants
Polar Capital Technology Trust has large holdings in the American tech giants

Polar Capital Technology Trust
It is one of the biggest investment trusts in the sector, and no small bet on technology shares. With a market capitalisation of £3 billion-plus, the Polar Capital Technology Trust has a portfolio stuffed with high-octane stocks from Apple and Microsoft to Facebook and Amazon (Miles Costello writes).

While that means the trust has been a rampant performer during the recent tech market rally in the US, it does mean that it is highly exposed when investor sentiment turns sour, as it can do rapidly.

The trust, launched in 1996, aims to give shareholders access to high-growth companies that have technology at the heart of their business model. Its portfolio is managed by Polar Capital, an active fund manager founded in